
Mac Guff is a public limited company with 45 734.71 euros capital, registered at Tribunal de commerce de Paris under federal reference and subject to VAT : VAT n° FR 89 338 438 781;
– It is located at : Mac Guff, 6 rue de la cavalerie, 75015 Paris, FRANCE
– Tel : +33 (0)1 53 58 46 46


– Website creation : Pixel Addict
– Creation of visual identity and communication : Pixel Addict
– This website is hosted by the OVH company.


In accordance with the law, we advice you that this website and all data treatment associated herein (newsletter, membership, statistics) have been declared for automated nominative data treatment to the CNIL (National commission for information technology and civil liberties).
In accordance with the law # 78-17 of January 6th 1978 relative to information technology and civil liberties, you can access any time to personal data about you own by Mac Guff, claim for their change or erasure. This way, you can irrevocably claim that data about you be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or erased that is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated or whose collection, use, communication or conservation is forbidden.

Nominative data collection

In accordance with the law # 78-17 of January 6th 1978 relative to computer science and liberty, we inform you that nominative data collected from the visitors of our website with a form about shall not in any case be transmitted, freely or under any liability, to any person or company..


Any element on this website (in particular trade marks, domain name, texts, graphs, logos, sounds, photographs and animations) is private property of the editors of this website. Consequently, the protection of the website is relevant to national and international laws about copyrights and intellectual property. Thus, any partial or total copy and/or presentation and/or broadcast, on any medium, electronic or not, existing or future, is forbidden except previous explicit authorisation. Not abiding by this rule may be a counterfeiting that would involve the civil and penal responsibility of its author. Databases are protected the same way by the laws hereby, so that any total or partial extraction or attempt would involve the civil and penal responsibility of its author.

Use of information

Mac Guff shall not be taken as responsible in any way for the interpretation and/or use of any information included in this website or of the consequences of this interpretation and/or use. Any possible exploitation by any user of any information from this website is made under the only responsibility of the user, and Mac Guff shall not be taken as responsible in any way in relation with this exploitation and/or the consequences hereafter.

Settling hypertext links

We advice you that Mac Guff allows any website or any other medium to mention or to settle an hypertext link toward the address The authorisation for settling a link is valid for any medium, except those broadcasting political, religious, pornographic, xenophobe content or that may affect the overall sensitivity of the audience. On behalf of this authorisation, we reserve ourselves a right for opposition. In addition, for the settling of an hypertext link on your website, we grant you too the right to copy our logo for the only use of this link and reference to Mac Guff. For this, the size and the design of the logo shall be respected.
Hypertext link to integrate :


The whole crew of thanks you for your interest in our website: don’t hesitate to get in touch with us…